FS Lumia 5.2 setup and Cadlight Skimmer
Selling my Lumia 5.2 and Cadlights PLS-100 skimmer. Light never used just set up and skimmer is almost 1 year old. pictures on next post.
Originally was doing a cube tank which the 5.2 is perfect for but changed to a Mr Aqu shallow and the Lumia 5.2 is way too powerful and doesn't fit the longer shallow layout. My loss your gain.
Light: original price 5.2=$100, 5 LDDs $35, LDD board $13.50, 6" Makers LED heatsink $25, 250w PS $45. total $220 plush shipping = $265. Yours for $200.
This setup can handle a second 5.2 or more LEDs without changing PS or adding any more LDDs. All you need is the second 5.2 and a second 6" heatsink. I had 3 3-ups setup with it, which is why the 250 PS but I'm keeping those 3-ups for my new light.
Skimmer: original $189, yours for $125
or everything for $300
Willing to sell Lumia 5.2 separately if that's all you need and maybe also the heatsink with it. I can probably use the LDDs for my next light. $100 for both or $75 for just Lumia 5.2 LED
Pictures to follow.