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Old 11-19-2014, 03:50 PM
SaltyDog143's Avatar
SaltyDog143 SaltyDog143 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Alberta
Posts: 70
SaltyDog143 is on a distinguished road
Default noob chronicles...... what would you do next

Ok so here is where we are......

Purchased live rock from a fellow member on here that was shutting his tank down, that was this past saturday, also dropped into Big Al's and grabbed some cleaner crew, emerald crab, snails and hermits. One of the rocks has a mini carpet and we got his 3 chromis from him as well.

Not entirely sure how much rock but it looks to be enough for our 120gal, upon getting it home and closer inspection we found alot of bristle worms and some majona anenome's on the rocks. We also got a bunch of his water to ship the rocks and fish for the trip home, as it's about 3 hr drive. There was also alot of xenia on his rocks that we have no interest in so alot of that got scraped off. All in all the rock looks good aside from said issues, a mixture of fiji, punaki, some tonga, etc.

We took the rock with the mini carpet and a few others and imediately got them into the quarantine tank with their water. long story short did some reading on the majona and bristle worms and decided to give the rocks a cold dip in the water they would be housed in, so out came water from my main tank and out on the deck for a couple hours. Next we dipped the rocks and cleaned as much bristle worms and majona as we could, did some aqua scaping and into the display tank they go (will post pics from my phone later).

Have the main display tank running with the rock in there since sunday, tested parameters last night on both tanks and here is what I came up with.

Display tank..................... quarantine tank
Salinity 1.025...................... 1.026
Amonia 0..................................0
Nitrite 0..................................0
Nitrate 5.0............................160

So after these readings, I did a 25% water change to the quarantine tank, will retest the Nitrate this evening.

I guess what I am asking here is should I move the stuff from quarantine over to my display? should I wait? how long should I wait or what parameters should I look for before moving things over?

My cleaner crew is in the quarantine tank, we did lose one chromis and the emerald crab on the trip home. I plan on cold dipping the rocks from the quarantine tank before putting them in the display, to get more bristle worms out and to try to get rid of the few majona that are on these rocks, but I don't want to harm the mini carpet so going to have to be very careful with him.

As always comments and advice are much appreciated
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