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Old 01-17-2014, 07:36 PM
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Default sps and flow

I have been thinking a lot lately about optimal flow for sps . I am mainly focusing on sps corals in my reef now. I know that the more is better, its now the amount of flow that is concerning me its the amount of time.

I am really interested to hear from those who have full grown out sps tanks and what you have done for flow time ? I am currently running two wp40 on random flow from 10am to 10 pm and a tunze nano wave box from 4pm to 10:30 pm on my 150 gallon.

I recently spoke with a Can reef member who has one of the nicest sps tanks I have ever seen . I was very surprised to find out that he runs his wave makes 24/7. I have always been under the assumption that the inhabitants need a break at night but am I wrong? I tried running my pumps at night for a few week but than I stopped. The fish seemed fine they just tucked away in the rocks but my one lps a bubble coral never looked to happy.

So do I go full throttle at night ? Do I run one pump on low high I don't know
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Old 01-17-2014, 07:50 PM
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I have 2 WP40's and 2 Coralife DC5800 Wavemaker pumps running in my 100g SPS tank, as well as my return pump flow. That makes for over 6000 gph flow in the tank. All the wavemaker pumps run on turbulence and random flow during the day, so that really mixes up the flow patterns. Then at night the light sensors direct the controllers to dial down the flow (but not shut off), so the corals and fish all get a rest.
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Old 01-17-2014, 08:25 PM
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Well, ocean currents don't necessarily take a break at night (though it's true that in some places things can get calmer), so I think most SPS corals can handle lots of night time flow no problem. However, if you turn the current down you'll notice quite a bit more night time polyp extension. I'm sure long tentacled LPS will appreciate the reduced flow, though most of mine retract almost all the way at night regardless of what the flow is doing.

I turn the flow in my tank down at night mostly for a single fish that seems to struggle with too strong of a flow at night.
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Old 01-17-2014, 08:47 PM
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I have rather complicated flow timing, but I do back off at night, more so to give the fish a bit of break for sleeping. If they sleep
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Old 01-17-2014, 08:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
I have 2 WP40's and 2 Coralife DC5800 Wavemaker pumps running in my 100g SPS tank, as well as my return pump flow. That makes for over 6000 gph flow in the tank. All the wavemaker pumps run on turbulence and random flow during the day, so that really mixes up the flow patterns. Then at night the light sensors direct the controllers to dial down the flow (but not shut off), so the corals and fish all get a rest.
Whoops, meant over 12,000 gph flow inside the tank.
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Old 01-17-2014, 09:02 PM's Avatar is offline
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Default sps and flow

I aim for 45x turnover 24/7
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Old 01-17-2014, 09:23 PM
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For a proper SPS environment, aim for alternating flow> 20cm/second.
See this article.

and articles like the one in this PDF.

Slowing it down at night for the sake of the fish isn't a bad idea.

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Old 01-17-2014, 09:24 PM
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I have one tank (well, 2 now) that I dial the wave action down at night, and even turn off one of the lower pumps to, as Brad said, give the fish a chance to sleep a little more peacefully.
In another tank, there is no flow reduction at all, just a lot of holes and calmer water behind the rock work for the fish to sleep.
In all cases the coral is healthy and happy and growing well. So I do not believe flow duration plays much of a part in coral health.
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Old 01-17-2014, 09:28 PM
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Here's my setup which seems to serve me well. Ya, it's long...

I run this on two sets of Tunzes. I then have a WP60 on random and adding a second this weekend.


Wave1 (This is my main daylight wave pattern)

Synchronize Enabled
Divide by 10 Enabled
Initial off time (Seconds) 0
On time (Seconds) 7
Off time (Seconds) 4
Minimum intensity 0
Maximum intensity 100

Wave2 (Similar pattern to the above but Syn is disabled which creates a bit more chaos)

Synchronize Disabled
Divide by 10 Enabled
Initial off time (Seconds) 0
On time (Seconds) 7
Off time (Seconds) 4
Minimum intensity 0
Maximum intensity 100

Lt_Flush (This is for the left side 6205 flush)

Synchronize Disabled
Divide by 10 Disabled
Initial off time (Seconds) 0
On time (Seconds) 30
Off time (Seconds) 30
Minimum intensity 0
Maximum intensity 90

Rt_Flush (Rt 6205 alternate interval of LT_Flush alternates one on while the other is off)

Synchronize Disabled
Divide by 10 Disabled
Initial off time (Seconds) 30
On time (Seconds) 30
Off time (Seconds) 30
Minimum intensity 0
Maximum intensity 90

DuskDawn (This is a lower flow wave pattern used intermittantly during the light hours as well as before and after lights go out)
Synchronize Enabled
Divide by 10 Enabled
Initial off time (Seconds) 0
On time (Seconds) 7
Off time (Seconds) 4
Minimum intensity 0
Maximum intensity 30

Night (Sets a constant 30% flow during light off hours)
Synchronize Disabled
Divide by 10 Disabled
Initial off time (Seconds) 0
On time (Seconds) 10
Off time (Seconds) 15
Minimum intensity 30
Maximum intensity 30

I am up to 3 timers. My use for the timers is to create short random periods of different flow during daylight hours.

Timer1 (turns on every 120 minutes for 10 minutes. If timer 2 is on at that time, it should remain off.

OSC 120:00/010:00/000:00 Then ON
If Outlet Timer2 = ON Then OFF
If Time 19:30 to 11:30 Then OFF
If FeedA 000 Then OFF

Timer2 (turns on every 45 minutes for 15 minutes except if timer 3 is on)
OSC 045:00/015:00/000:00 Then ON
If Outlet Timer3 = ON Then OFF
If Time 19:30 to 11:30 Then OFF
If FeedA 000 Then OFF

Timer3 (turn on every 15 minutes for 5 minutes except if timer 1 is on)
OSC 015:00/005:00/000:00 Then ON
If Outlet Timer1 = ON Then OFF
If Time 19:30 to 11:30 Then OFF
If FeedA 000 Then OFF


These are the variable speed pumps and their programming:
Set Wave1
If Time 10:30 to 11:59 Then duskdawn
If Time 12:00 to 19:00 Then Wave1
If Time 19:01 to 20:00 Then duskdawn
If Time 20:01 to 10:29 Then Night
If Outlet Timer1 = ON Then Lt_Flush
If Outlet Timer2 = ON Then duskdawn
If Outlet Timer3 = ON Then Wave2
If FeedA 000 Then OFF

Set Wave1
If Time 10:30 to 11:59 Then duskdawn
If Time 12:00 to 19:00 Then Wave1
If Time 19:01 to 20:00 Then duskdawn
If Time 20:01 to 10:29 Then Night
If Outlet Timer1 = ON Then Rt_Flush
If Outlet Timer2 = ON Then duskdawn
If Outlet Timer3 = ON Then Wave2
If FeedA 000 Then OFF
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Old 01-17-2014, 09:35 PM
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great topic. From what I have read from the divers that dive at night regularly, ocean waves and currents don't necessarily slow down at night. It's a physiological thing that some people (including me ) slow down our power heads at night for our fish friends. But they should be able to handle the wave in our tanks at full blast at night.
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