Originally Posted by Jakegr
I am not meaning to be a downer in this thread I swear! This seems like a pretty reasonable thing of the vet to do, but again, using an anti-parasitic drug extra-label in Canada is also illegal and the vet therefore assumes a lot of liability. Using a drug "extra label" means that, for example, "use for copepod infections of corals" is not on the product label.
I like the Milbemax idea as that is available on the shelf. Just be careful when calculating the dose as an overdose could cause toxicity to other animals in the tank.
You absolutely bring valid points to the thread.

What I don't like about Milbemax is you end up dosing Praziquantel as well. Lots of people use Praziquantel in reef tanks for flukes, but I'm leery - one medication is bad enough.