I am afraid of all dog breeds, esp the smaller ones like chihuahua
Unless I know the guy who owns it and know that he/she has control and has properly trained the dog, the dog is dangerous to me.
To me, it all comes down to the owner. Yes, some breeds have a natural instinct of being ferocious but it all comes down to how they are trained and brought up. Even human has a natural instinct of being violence, doesn't mean everyone is.
Truth be told, after so many stories about dog attacks, I can hardly trust a random dog and the owner and I am always extra careful whenever I pass a dog (esp the smaller breeds). In my defense, I am a fat guy and I can't run
In the end, if you can't control a chihuahua, don't get a chihuahua. If you can't control a pitbull, don't get a pitbull. Seems like people needs to be educated more on breeds and responsibility. All breeds are not the same and are there for difference purposes with different personality - that's what makes every breed precious and unique. It all comes down to the owner.
Oh, BTW I am not a dog person; I am just a fish person