I find it funny that when I tell people I am a shift worker that works 12 hr shifts (4 shifts on 2 days 2 nights and 4 off) they usually look at me like I'm a basket case and then will almost invariably ask the same question every time "why would I ever work shift?"
I've never had a "standard" Monday to Friday job in my 30 years in the work force and I've never had a job with weekends off and I've been doing this current shift for 20 years and I love it.
I also like the fact I don't have to be a sheep and be herded every Friday, Saturday and Sunday with all the other regular people. It's fun and refreshing to have week days off and do things leisurally without having to force my way through the throngs of weekend warriors to do something "relaxing".
It isn't for everybody and I work with my share of shift workers who hate it but won't leave it because the pay cut would be huge so they stay and whine every chance they get but I've always liked it and you could say I've thrived on it
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....