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Old 09-23-2016, 12:25 AM
kyl kyl is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: New Westminster, BC
Posts: 193
kyl is on a distinguished road

Was in there earlier this afternoon and talked with Eric the owner for a while. He comes across as a decent guy that seems pretty humble in goals for the store. Grew it from something like 6 tanks almost two years ago to his, I'd guess like 50-60 tanks currently? A lot of Cichlid varieties for the freshwater people.

Salt was very much a work in progress, there was almost nothing left in terms of livestock as it's been selling very quickly he said. Also planning to get a display tank going near the fish area entrance, and judging by the skimmer it should be a fairly large tank.

If you're local, probably worth checking out when his livestock shipments come in. More options are always good.
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