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Old 09-18-2016, 05:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Bayyak403 View Post
I wanted the one for the clown fish (bad with names) and dry rock i bought off someone that was alive he told me about this forum but it cycled quickly only in 2 weeks i used 80lbs of livesand i think it was caribsea and used aquavitro seed.
If the rock was dry when you added it, it doesn't matter if was alive before, all the beneficial bacterial and microfauna are dead, so it's the same as using dry rock. I would wait at least 4-6 months before adding a Bubbletip, longer if you want a Carpet or Long Tentacle Anemone.

Bubbletip anemones (aka BTA) are the hardiest anemone that will host Clowns, but Ocellaris Clowns (Common Clown or False Percula) aren't naturally hosted by BTAs. Ocellaris Clowns are naturally hosted by Long Tentacle or Carpet Anemones, but they are more difficult to care for - especially Carpets, plus both types get really big. Your best bet it to buy True Percula Clownfish and a BTA for the best chance of forming a host bond. Other species like Tomato, Clarkii, Saddlebacks, and Skunks are much better at bonding with anemones, but they get bigger and more aggressive than most people want in their tanks.

As mentioned, anemones do tend to move around. Some move around a lot, and others rarely move. It's luck of the draw. I have a Bubbletip that I've had for 8 or 9 years, and it never moves. Every few years it will split, and the split will move 6" away and I remove it, but that's it. I also have several clients with anemones, and some of them I've never seen move, and some of them are in a new spot every week.
~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 09-18-2016 at 06:10 PM.
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