Dead dry rock doesn't cycle in 2 weeks, it may take upwards of 3-5 months before actually being live with animals living in it. If it was live rock then it wouldn't have been dry....
Anyhow if it's a new tank I would wait abit and perhaps seed the dead rock with a piece of live rock, depending on your tank it may cycle faster if you have more live rock as there is enough animals and bacteria to break down the nutrients and waste.
I would start with adding soft coral as they tend to be hardier like Zoas and mushrooms. See how they react over the next few weeks then slowly add a few more pieces.
Anemones can be sensitive even though they are considered a softie.
Always looking for the next best coral...
90g starphire cube/400mhRadium20k/2 XHO/2x27w UV/2x39w T5/ 3 Trulumen led strips