Originally Posted by gregzz4
Hey Mindy
Have you tested Ca before and after using Muriatic?
I ask as I'm curious to know how much the Chloride levels increase as Alk drops
Also, most of us can't get our hands on Hydrochloric Acid, which is purer than Muriatic, and I'm concerned about the impurities present in MA. Muriatic contains ( among other stuff ) iron, so I wouldn't want to use it on a regular basis to adjust my mixed salt water.
No, I never tested Ca after using MA as I didn't think it was a concern. When I asked about MA affecting other parameters Randy told me that pH is the only concern.
Originally Posted by Randy Holmes-Farley
Muriatic acid drops pH temporarily until you fully aerate. Many people do it with salt mixes and there are threads around. It also eliminates the CaCO3 precipitate from IO. Otherwise, it doesn't alter the chemistry.