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Old 09-15-2016, 06:21 AM
Adamk Adamk is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Maple Ridge
Posts: 0
Adamk is on a distinguished road

sandsifting goby$5
Pygmy Angel Black $10
strawberry Basslet$15
Fairy Wrasse $70

candy cane (15+ heads) $20 ea
Blasto large polyp single head- $20
Green Frogspawnspawn 15+ heads $40
Trachyphyllia Brain Coral green$50
tyree toadstool $10
large green cup coral(pagoda) $50
green Ricordea yuma Mushroom $10
purple green tip Hammer coral $20
toadstool coral 3" $10
Green w/purple tip hammer 3 heads $30
Blue Green Sympodium $20
puple with green polyp encrusting plate 3"dia $20
dark green with Light green polyp encrusting plate 3"dia $10 NEEDS LOVE
Rastas 20+heads $80
2x Rbta $50 ea comes with Med size live rock
maxi-mini carpet anenome one puple one green $30 each ...comes with piece of live rock

MORE ZOAs avalable $2 a head

dragons breath algae $5/ softball size chunk
cheeto algae $5 for all (I don't have much)

live rock $3.50/lbs

Fish will be sold after live rock is gone

Med sailfin tang$60 SOLD
Valentino puffer$20 SOLD
6 line wrasse $10 SOLD
Melanurus wrasse$20 SOLD
Saddleback clown lrg $15 SOLD
green Manadarin goby (Eats fish food)$30 SOLD

604-831-3920 text or call
can text pics

tank and equipment to come...
CAD Lights Artisan 70 Gallon Reef to offers
will be sold complete as it is set up now
It has been running for 2 years
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