Originally Posted by gregzz4
A Coral Beauty and 6 Lyretail Anthias'
Still trying to get the anthias' to eat pellets, but the angel is good to go.
Hoping it will teach the anthias' about pellets, but not holding my breath
I've just recently started soaking pellets in frozen food ... any tips would be appreciated
Really, please help me get these anthias' eating anything other than frozen 
I always got mine eating pellets by starting on frozen cyclopeeze(sp?) and when offering that id offer pellets for the other fish. I was using Omega One micro marine pellets. (At the time my clowns mouths were too small for the 1mm pellets so i kept the micro on hand and fed that daily.) Both the cyclop and pellets would blow around the tank and the fish would just start grbbing whatever went past, after a few days they stopped spitting out the pellets.
Never bothered offering frozen to the group of red fairy anthias i recently purchased. They went right onto 1mm pellets. Pigs....
The lyretail group i had learned to eat pellets really quick. Less then a week i want to say...
Tanks looking good Greg! Well corals... need fts! And some wavey coral like euphyllia