Long overdue update
Bought some more fishies
A Coral Beauty and 6 Lyretail Anthias'
Still trying to get the anthias' to eat pellets, but the angel is good to go.
Hoping it will teach the anthias' about pellets, but not holding my breath
I've just recently started soaking pellets in frozen food ... any tips would be appreciated
Really, please help me get these anthias' eating anything other than frozen
Tank is doing well, still balancing PO4 with NO3. Nothing major
Transferred the remaining fish from the original tank that were stuffed into a 36g holding tank for 4 months ... poor guys
They all made it
Had to sell 1 though ...
Started off with a male Lubbok's a couple years ago, and added a female 1-1/2 years ago. They got along fubulously for the last year and a bit until the tank failed.
Once they were trapped in the 36g the little female decided to become a 'hell on wheels' male and drove my original male to the point of starvation with him hiding.
Thanks to Chris for taking the wrasse from hell, and good luck to you sir
Thanks to Catalin for hooking me up with a few corals I lost while they were in a crappy backup tank
Yup, my camera skills suck
I will get better pics up soon as I think my camera can do it
A BIG thanks to
Warren and the Illuminati crew for getting me into the next stage of corals
These are some of the most awesome corals I've ever seen, and hope to have them look as good in my tank as they do online.
Pays to have friends, and I can't thank you guys enough