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Old 08-26-2016, 11:58 PM
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Coasting Coasting is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: BC - PoCo
Posts: 677
Coasting is on a distinguished road

I've never had large amounts of flow in any of my tanks, I always worry about having TOO much. So I'm on he fence on if I want to focus on the 40 or the 25. As long as the 40 can be slowed a reasonable amount then I might as well go for that. But there are times my RW8 looks like too much, I never have that thing more then halfway speed.

I found the CPs on Aliexpress. All in with shipping I found $130 for a 25, and $150 for a 40. CAD, shipped to my door in Canada. Haven't checked out Ebay for a cheaper price yet, I've just always had great luck with aliexpress. Pretty sure its mostly all the same sellers on both sites anyway.
Could potentially get it to work out a bit cheaper if people wanted to order together.
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