Thread: New 105g tank
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Old 08-26-2016, 02:43 AM
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Galizio Galizio is offline
The Don
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Surrey
Posts: 244
Galizio is on a distinguished road

August update
It's been a busy month, but in the last few weeks the corals start to look great again, after they went pale and some browned a bit have to say I was getting worried.
Realize that strontium and potassium were super low so I decided to dose them with a doser and since then the sps started to colour up again....finally most of them started to grow again and I'm really surprise that all of them survived the tank move.
My 6 line wrasse decided to jump in the overflow (not the first time) but this time didn't make it. So I decided to add a couple of fairy wrasses to the tank( was not able to do that before because the 6 line was just going to chaise them to death). J&l had a nice pair (male /female) tonu wrasses so could not resist(pics below).with the wrasses purchase I also brought the IM aquarium mesh,just not want to risk the wrasses to jump the tank, but have to say that since I got them(about 3-4 weeks ago) they are doing really good.
One thing that always wanted to know, was the PAR , so thanks to Jeff and the crew @ j&l aquatics, I was able to measure it, they landed me a PAR meter. I think that knowing the PAR of your tank really help you understand where the coral can do good especially SPS.
Coralline it's still growing strong lol

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