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Old 08-11-2016, 11:04 PM
5gluder 5gluder is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Calgary
Posts: 39
5gluder is on a distinguished road

Oh sorry, I have been removing sand that was covered in the brown gunk as well as surface cleaning the sand. I haven't added the sand back too date so probably half has been siphoned so far. In the past this stuff didn't coat my rocks like they have now so I haven't really siphoned any out of the rocks. I would blast the rocks and then do a water change thereafter.

Yeah I'm also really confused as to why I have this, all my rock was dried, bleached and then cured for a very long time while I got the tank ready. I really wanted to start out with a clean system. I don't have access to a microscope.
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