Funny thing is yes I paid for an item with a damaged cord on a power supply ( which in my less than lucid state I overlooked). I do know where the seller lives and yes I have made multiple attempts to contact seller (unanswered response even though pre-sale contact was near instant).
End of the day bud this is a reminder that although I have enormous faith in the reef community and the vast majority of us are good people. At the end of the day the onus is on me, the buyer, to know what I'm buying. Some of us (like me ha ha!) Need to simply be more diligent in how we conduct our business.....end of the day this is on me. I just need to find a way to correct my error. The seller can't be blamed for my ignorance.
Last edited by Cujo#31; 08-07-2016 at 02:17 AM.