Originally Posted by tang daddy
I have a 400w mh on at 11pm till 5am to keep heat down, I also have 2 strips of blue LEDs and 2 t5 sunblaster with reflector running Ati blue plus from 5pm till 11pm to help keep the heat down.
I didn't think it through well when I bought the fish, just that it was a fine specimen eating well, ich free and happy as can be so I grabbed it. A yellow tang would be better suited for this tank but I can say with the cooler temps and lots of flow and algae to pick on I hope to give him the best home I can for now....
He is about 3.25 inches now so I will rehome him into a 6 or 8ft tank when he grows alittle larger.
Ah, I didn't realize you picked out your lighting already.
That's a nice small size for the Achilles at least! I put a Tomini in my tank - pretty much the most docile tang there is. I'm trying to catch him out after only 6 months - he spends all day swimming up and down the corners of the tank.