07-22-2016, 02:03 AM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Saskatoon, SK.
Posts: 11,268
Captive Bred Blue / Hippo Tangs!!! YES!
Fort Plain, NY, July 20, 2016—Rising Tide Conservation, in partnership with the University of Florida, announces the successful culture of Pacific Blue Tang surgeonfish, the species known as the character “Dory.” This major breakthrough is a major step forward in aquaculture of marine ornamental fish. Until today, all Pacific Blue Tangs were collected from reefs, primarily in Indonesia or the Philippines.
Dr. Judy St. Leger, president of Rising Tide Conservation, announced the much-anticipated breakthough:
“This is a new chapter in ornamental fish aquaculture. Both display aquariums and marine fish hobbyists can now choose where many of their fish come from. Collecting reef fish is a complex issue with both positives and negatives. When there are concerns of destructive practices. Having an alternative source can benefit fish, people, and reefs.”
The advance was made possible by the efforts of a committed team of biologists, including Eric Cassiano and Kevin Barden at the Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory of the University of Florida in Ruskin, Florida. The laboratory is directed by Craig Watson, and the Rising Tide Conservation program is overseen by Dr. Matt DiMaggio. Rising Tide Conservation identified this species as one of conservation interest for aquaculture in 2010.
Read the rest of it here: http://www.reef2rainforest.com/2016/...success-in-fl/
Learn more here: www.facebook.com/risingtideconservation

~ Mindy
SPS fanatic.
Last edited by Myka; 08-02-2016 at 02:26 AM.