Well its been a long time since i did a little update .
Tank has been running very well , I have had few alk swings as low as 5.2 over the last 6 months . And as a result I have learned what STN is ..... Man in my tank when STN starts it is very very slow. I watched a stag colony for 3 months slowly STN from the base up about 2.5 inches.. At that point i finally broke it off on good clean flesh and stopped the issue..
I have been dosing vitamin C for the last 3 months .. Not sure what for m but hey worth a try ..
Other things I have been dosing for coming up on 2 years now .. Are Lugols 2 drops almost daily .. And 2 tablespoons of Brightwells Pottassion in each water change.
I lost 2 fish that i have had for 3 years over the last 6 months .. Each fish slowly lost motivation to eat and basically just sat on the bottom of the tank. I am guessing old age , but really no idea,, All other fish are fine and eating well..
I added a beautiful potters wrasse when i was over in Van for the frag swap .. I am really happy !!! he is eating like a pig on mysis , still no pellets though..
I also broke down and finally added some new coral frags to my tank after 1.5 years of lockdown .. lol Thanks Wayne for the new additions buddy !!
Anyway , 40g water changes every 2 weeks without fail , Burning through Calcuium reactor media like crazy .. Thinking my reactor is a little small for this much SPS ..
Still love the hobby and I am starting to think of a new tank for in 2 years ..
for now I am very please with the coral color i have maintained in my tank. I run no GFO , no Pellets and a simple amount of additives..
Little picture update .. Galaxy s6 , auto mod ...... need to borrow wayne's under water wonder camera