Extremely short update;
System is running; rocks went in Mon and sand Wed.
Raw shrimp is hanging in the tank and thinking of adding more as I haven't seen any NH3 yet in 4 days. Maybe it'll take more time to start rotting, so I'm watching my Ammo Alert badges morning and night. I've been adding Seachem Stability. Maybe it's hindering the NH3 readings ...
Still have some hardware setup to do, and I've been severely neglecting the 36g holding tank so some maintenance had to happen tonight.
Pics will have to wait 'till I have free time. Lots of pics to post of the new build.
Got home @ 4 and won't be finished messing around tonight 'till prolly 8-9 or later. Then up @ 6am for work.
Also considering starting a new thread for this re-build ... Greg's 75g upgrade-ish re-build
Stay tuned ...