Alien Chaos
I have a small rock with about 40 plus polyps of Alien Chaos on it, i am asking $100 for the hole rock, that's $2.50 per polyp, or less as there is more than 40 on it.
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both pics of same rock, different lighting and angle.
Current Tank Info: 187 custom reef tank, Running ZeoVit with Vibe, Apex New Gen, Jebao DCS 12000 return pump, custom180 Euro-reef skimmer, running Mazzi venturi and mag 18pump, Lighting-2 60" XHO blue reefbrites , with 8x60" T-5, 2 Maxspect Gyre XF150,and 1Maxspect Gyre XF250 Generator with controller, 120 lbs of Tonga Branch rock, custom sump and manifold