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Old 07-05-2016, 04:52 PM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Lyalta, East of Calgary
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Personally I can't imagine running an RO system on a 10ppm water source. Sounds pretty absurd really and a terrible waste of water even though yes you could recover and reuse the waste water elsewhere but why go through that trouble. Around these parts we use prefilters and RO to bring are source 300+ppm water down to maybe 10-20ppm. Some go further and use DI to bring it closer to zero.

If I had a water source that good I would just use a sediment filter and a carbon block to deal with chlorine and any potential changes in sediments that can sometimes occur throughout the year but that would certainly be as far as I would take it. IMO using a better safe than sorry argument here is just a little too far on the overkill scale and tipping more into the waste of time and money side of things.
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