Cleaning out fish stuff and this is what I have left.
Mp 10 the wireless one. Used for 6 months before packing up. Works great, never dropped or damaged in anyway. Asking $120
Mitras 6100 HV. Had since day one and loved it. One of the easiest lights I've used and grew sps extremely well. Used for about a year and a month. 7 hours a day. Based on the purported 50,000 hour life span there's lots left. Comes with hanging kit as well.
Asking $450
BRS dosing pumps 2 of them, used for 7 months to dose Ca and Na. Used minutes a day. Everything in great working order. Asking $60 each
10 lbs CO2 cylinder with %80 Co2 left. Used for plants but many applications in a reef environment. Comes with solenoid and regulator, used for 4 month with plants. Asking $200 for everything (ignore the pH regulator in the photo)
Phosban reactor, works like it's supposed to. $40
Wp25, no issues at all. $40
More stuff but will probably just give it away to people who buy stuff. Thanks