Thread: Lowering alk
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Old 06-22-2016, 12:41 AM
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Hey Mindy
Have you tested Ca before and after using Muriatic?

I ask as I'm curious to know how much the Chloride levels increase as Alk drops

Also, most of us can't get our hands on Hydrochloric Acid, which is purer than Muriatic, and I'm concerned about the impurities present in MA. Muriatic contains ( among other stuff ) iron, so I wouldn't want to use it on a regular basis to adjust my mixed salt water.

Still, I'd like to know what your results are.
I ask as I'm nearing completion of my post-tank failure setup and am looking for options to deal with 115+G of IO regular salt with it's high Alk.
Only natural option I can think of at this time is to raise the Alk level in the tank containing my surviving corals before adding them to the new setup.
Then I'd let the Alk drop over time and go from there.

I've read an article from RHF that has me hesitant to use MA on a regular basis.

Another article he published has info on dealing with pH, but without indepth reading, I didn't see any results pertaining to Chloride.

These are the most recent articles I can find online ...

Thanks for your thoughts
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