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Old 06-19-2016, 06:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I use a 20k MH bulb, fairly blue. When I ran LED, I ran them at 100% all colors.

In the past though, reefers used anywhere from 6.5k -10k bulbs, supp'ed with actinic for color, and results were always good. I think the real issue is hwat habbyists like to look at. The corals don't care as much. To some degree, color can be affected, but again, to the hobbyist's preferences

I think corals DO care , and very much so which spectrum of light they receive. It's been proven that red LEDs can cause damage to coral tissue if they are turned up to high , as well as many people have reported stressed out corals when running the white channel on their LEDs too high.

Also growth and colour are affected by the spectrums we choose , especially with acropora.
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