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Old 11-29-2004, 04:55 PM
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Tarolisol Tarolisol is offline
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Default Re: Tatoo? LazyBoy? Gerbil?

Symbols of strengh SOS has changed its name its no longer called that, i cant recall the name but it is still located in the same place and has the same people.

Originally Posted by G1GY
Originally Posted by EmilyB
Where is a reputable place to get a tat in Calgary?

What things would you look for in a LazyBoy recliner?

Anyone want to give away a gerbil to a good home?

P.S. All of these things involve hubby's christmas and birthday presents so mum is the word.....
For ink you won't go wrong with Smillin Budah or SOS (Symbols Of Strength.)
Both these shops are clean and the work can't be beat. With SOS make sure that Steve and Lindsay Peace still own it because it's been a few years and I'm not sure if they sold out or not. (If they still own it, it's A OK!)

And all I look for in a recliner is my butt!

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