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Old 06-08-2016, 04:16 AM
PixSell PixSell is offline
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Originally Posted by loumaggs View Post
I'm looking for a permanent solution to the high nitrates from such a small system
Pack the outer ring of the Orbit with something like SeaChem's De-Nitrate or very dense live rock (You're looking to take advantage of anaerobic bacteria in the dense media). The low flow rate of the orbit makes this pretty effective. And, carbon dose. Something like RedSea's NO3:PO4-X to help keep the bacteria strong.

You can add an open airline (blowing big bubbles/no air stone/diffuse'r) to the upper part of the outer ring adjacent to but away from the water pump. This'll help keep the dissolved O2 up which, in-turn, also helps keep the pH up and happy jellies.

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