Thread: Tank shutdown
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Old 05-30-2016, 07:31 PM
r212019 r212019 is offline
Salt Poller
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: North Vancouver, BC
Posts: 75
r212019 is on a distinguished road
Default Tank shutdown

60gal cube w/stand and Sump w/ light - $350
AI hydra 26 w/mounting brackets and director - $300
Jebao wireless RW8 - $50 each, I have 2
CAD light PLS-100 Skimmer - $100
Phosban reactor w/pump - $50
JBJ ATO w/pump - $70
Reefkeeper lite controller - $100
Eheim 2000 pump - $80
sand - $30
refractometer - $30
half bucket of salt -$20
sypon w/ pump - $10
fish nets, glass scraper, buckets and misc stuff

$700 for it all

preference will be given to someone that wants to buy it all

text me 604 761 4143
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