Originally Posted by FishyFishy!
The last time I had an ich outbreak, I used the New Life Spectrum ich food. It actually worked great. 5 of my tangs had ich, and I only lost one that was too far gone. They have been happy and healthy ever since then. Going on 2 years without a reoccurance.
I should add that it was used in a full reef tank with zero side effects to the rest of the tank.

While NLS ich shield is a great tool in the fight on ich, it is not a cure and can only be used for 2 weeks. I use it when putting my fish through ttm-some eat it, some don't. It is an immuno booster not a medication.
Keep in mind ich doesn't just show up as white spots, they attach inside the gills too, so while it might look like the problem is gone chances are the cycle continues unless you can be sure you have gotten rid of all 4 stages of ich