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Old 05-24-2016, 01:39 PM
88keys 88keys is offline
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Location: Kitchener, ON
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Thank you for all the quick reponses. I truly appreciate it.
I have had this tank for a yr- i have two actually. I'm upgrading my 10IM light from the skyye light to a par38 full spectrum.
Its my 15g thats the real PITA for led lighting.

I did do a search but very hard to find newer opinions, most was from the first generation lights which have now been upgraded.

I love t5's. I ran my 55g with t5ho's and honestly had not a single issue with growth or colouration. The issue is the hydro costs and bulb replacement costs...or i would go back to t5's.
Metal halides are beautiful but I simply will never go this route due to heat issues and energy efficiency.

I currently run my tank with a cheap par38. I have had growth with this light.
My issue with this particular bulb is its only 60 degree lenses and 10,000k. I have dark spots and its too white to get pop from the corals. Other than that, i highly recommend par38's for nano tanks.

I do have a budget-theres the issue.

Options are limited with budget and length of my tank 24".

I wanted the ai prime but the spread is questionable 18x18- some say it will be fine others say I will have dark spots.
Theres the evergrow- some say its great other advise no chinese boxes.
Coral compulsion par38- the 35 watt has a spread of 24x24 and full spectrum dimmable. The issue is its in the US therefore add the hst and 7% duties!

I currently have zoas, leather, xenia, lps. If I add anymore to my tank I would add a stylophora to the highest point in my tank, possibly more zoas.
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