Originally Posted by reefwithareefer
I have been on Canreef for a few years now and have certainly felt or seen the the "friendly" side of us Canadians on here that made me sit back for a moment.
I've noticed it from coast to coast. Especially in the maritimes. Have you ever gone thru a Timmy's drivethru and had your coffee paid for by the chap in front of you? That doesn't happen much in the US. Happened to me last year and it had quite an effect. I've cut back on my Horton's intake, but whenever I'm in their drive-thru now, the guy behind me doesn't pay. Cheap way to feel good

.... altho once, the woman behind me had ordered 3 sandwiches and I told the girl at the counter "Ehh...maybe next time
*edit* I think some of the difference between Americans and Canadians (altho I'm half American as well) is best illustrated by the way Canadians welcomed Syrian refugees into this country, while the US has virtually closed off access and is almost paranoid that they all could be terrorists. Cheers, Tim