Originally Posted by ComfortablyNumb
As a matter of fact, if I was admin here I'd sent her a pm immediately requesting she refrain from posting links that solicit money for her own personal gain on this site. ie: post the actual vid, not a link that requests funds.
Wow, for a new member (just over a month), you're going out of your way to change this forum into something its never been and to single-handedly break the stereotype of Canadians as friendly, accepting, sympathetic people. It's like you won't be satisfied until the OP leaves Canreef to avoid all this unnecessary online hate spewing from your keyboard. I guess "Haters gotta hate" as they say.
Just because YOU can't imagine that her fish died due to a lack of oxygen does not mean it didn't happen for that reason. As Myka and others have pointed out, power outages of various durations can (and have) caused several tank crashes to reefers we know. Each tank is different. One tank may come through with no casualties, others may suffer a complete crash. Ok, so it's never happened to you. Thank your lucky stars, but don't take your good fortune to mean that your experience is the same as everyone elses.
Your screenname "ComfortablyNumb" must be Ironic rather than an accurate description of your online persona/attitude.
Here's some free (unsolicited) advice:
1) If you have a problem with the OP, don't open her threads or post on them
2) If you have a problem with the OP's videos, don't watch them (nobody is forcing you)
3) If you feel like typing something hateful and nasty or giving advice to the forum administrators and moderators, go to your fridge, grab a brew and become "comfortably numb" instead.
BTW, if you want to attack my credentials, I've been keeping fish for almost 40 years, have a BSc in Aquaculture and an MSc in Aquacultural Engineering from UBC, and have worked for several years both in the petshop industry and working on commercial fish farms.