Ian's post reflects my feelings exactly...and its the reason I didn't just pass this thread by as I normally would.
Do you go to bed at night in fear that a short power interruption will take out your whole reef/fish tank? I certainly don't ...as I have experienced dozens of short power interruptions in my 35 yrs keeping aquariums, with little to no losses incurred as a direct result of a 1-4hr outage.
If I was a newbie and watched that vid (as presumably hundreds have and many will do), my thoughts would be... why would I put thousands into a hobby that can be wiped out in 3hrs from a normal power interruption? It may keep me out of the hobby entirely. Thus, the OP should be held to a higher standard than your average poster.... not to mention the funds soliciting.
From another site:
....example of such soliciting working as intended by the OP.
When money starts being involved, combined with fact the OP admits she is no expert, plus some very dubious advice and conclusions dispensed...well, like I said...colour me sceptical.
She certainly has a lovely speaking voice with its own cadence and charm..but some of the things she has said, combined with her big reach and money requests...well you get the picture.
