Every tank reacts differently it depends on so many factors like how much live rock, how stocked is the tank, how many high maintenance corals and fish are there, how easily do they become stressed and so on. All that factors in
Remember just because one tank will do well with no power for 12 hours does not mean every tank will react in the same way some do well others can crash in a matter of hours
I learned very early on in this hobby there is no such thing as standard or baseline everything involved in this hobby is a guideline there is nothing standard in this hobby at all and it is something that too many people in the hobby forget.
My personal opinion is that people here are disbelieving because loumaggs posted the video and didn't follow up and are less inclined to believe her story and that the fact she is on so many sites which by the way doesn't bother me but aparantly it bothers a lot of people but each to their own
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....