Originally Posted by loumaggs
No one pointed it out to me, I normally post and then come back to check, I make my videos in an effort to help beginners. Not experts, I've been doing this nine years now so I know a little but I never claim to be an expert.
I've given my explanation in the video, everything which I know pointed to tank losing oxygen. I had a reasonably heavily stocked tank and I think that probably contributed to it. The only thing I did the night before was clean the glass.
Not only was your tank reasonably heavily stocked, the fish you kept were mostly large tangs and other species that require heavily oxygenated waters to thrive. Once circulation was lost, these large tangs would have been the first to go and then it would have been a cumulative effect in a very negative way since each death would have depleted the oxygen level even faster and create a dead zone at the bottom layer of water, which is of course where the living fish would settle to conserve energy (Murphy's Law at work). Without the energy to stay near the surface, those fish would have been the next to succumb to oxygen deprivation. This is my theory of what happened in your tank.