holy ****, tank will be 2 years old next month. I completely forgot about this build thread and just been lurking on the forums.
changed things up with the lights.. + added a radion that decided to shit the bed on me a few days after install.. and finally finished the stand minus a few small details
first, i picked up two counter tops from IKEA. notched the dimensions of my DT out of the first and slid it onto shelving brackets that i tech screwed to my steel stand.
second, cut the top shelf to fit lengthwise and installed lights above with a switch and then removed to measured out the factory Radion mounting holes on each light and laid them out onto the second counter-top to be drilled out so i could get rid of the cable mounting i had before. Then used machine screws and washers through the counter-top to support the lights from the top.
3rd, coated bottom of counter tops with black plastidip to hopefully protect the cheap particle board from evap or splashing and threw another piece of cantruss to support the top.