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Old 05-16-2016, 02:12 PM
IanWR IanWR is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Martensville, Sk
Posts: 148
IanWR is on a distinguished road

I watched the linked video. I think at this point I'm comfortable calling out the OP as someone making a concerted effort at fame and fortune. She may have a reef tank, she may or may not have had the crash described, but I have the creepy feeling of being scammed.

She does posts like this here and on RC that I know of; starts a thread that invites attention always with a link to some video she's made. The information is always super basic, and occasionally questionable. For example, in this video she suggests that after 1 hour without power the O2 levels crashed to the point that most of her fish died. I highly doubt that the tank pictured in the video would suffer that effect after 1 hour. She also suggests that after an hour without power the bacteria would start dieting off. Please. She also says the temp dropped to 22 (from what she doesn't say though) in 4 hours. The tank pictured is big. Unless the house was freezing that's pretty fast to cool off. And even if it did, 22 is not that cold. It's not ideal, but fish would be fine. Then she says she tore the rock apart to get the fish bodies she couldn't scoop up with a net, including a scooter blenny? That makes no sense. Who here would tear up their 180+g tank to scoop out a fish body you couldn't find?

She ends her video with a really unconvincing suggestion that she's so affected by this tragedy her future in the hobby is uncertain, with the shameless suggestion to stay tuned to the next video to hear what her decision is! Helpfully included in her comments on the video is a link to a site where you can give her cash.

This OP never engages in these threads beyond the first post. This is not someone seeking to share or engage with like minded hobbyists. This is someone looking for attention and money.
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