Well tank seems to be doing good.
Corals are growing
Fish are growing (and getting a bit fat....)
I still don't have a proper sump
Got a shiny new skimmer which is massive, and has made the idea of putting a 50gal sump under the tank impossible. Went with the Coral Box Cloud 9. It does an awesome job. Hell, better then the vertex did. And its quiet! It's just huge LOL.
I still haven't gotten around to testing my water, or setting up my doser.... yup lazy.
The butterfly has stopped going at any corals. But I am still not risking putting the open brain back in the tank, I might be brave and try one in the winter. He is a great algae grazer along with the tangs, loves squid and clam.
Hogfish kinda look funny.... like they wear lipstick
Ive got 2 rocks that I've tied fishing line too, with a rubber band wrapped around a few times. We've been attaching pieces of garlic soaked clam, squid, muscle, octopus, etc.... so they can "graze". Everyone's pretty good about sharing, no fights. I'm not used to having fish that crowd the glass when they think their going to get fed! This is new! It's nice actually being able to enjoy watching everyone.
The Melanurus is still behaving himself. It's nice finally being able to get photos of him. Previously if you walked anywhere near the tank he would hide at the back and not come out until you were far away. Now he doesn't shy away at all.
The Kole is a bit of a turd to the blenny, but only when the blenny crosses over to the right side of the tank. Heard there can sometimes be tiffs between those film algae grazers. My blenny is my only fish that was in my original 26g bowfront. He has been through all 3 tanks.
Within the last month my Formosa has started loosing her white stripes! Their slowly fading. They stayed the same all the while in the old tank. Now in the new one everyone is growing and maturing. Facial markings are almost completely gone. And the middle body one is as well. We'll see how long until shes a solid burgundy. Maybe the black stripe will loose her belly stripes soon as well.
My Lyretail is doing well with the red fairys. I did loose one about 2 weeks ago but that's to be expected I guess. Everyone else is happy and healthy. The Lyretail is getting slightly darker, waiting for that nice redish colour!
I still cant get proper photos of the coral. Colours suck. But I can finally get a photo of the damsel that isn't purple!