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Old 05-04-2016, 01:22 PM
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Duckhams Duckhams is offline
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Originally Posted by Bblinks View Post
I think that's one of the best potter wrasse I have ever seen....wish I can house one but a bit tough (impossible)with no sand.
I found with LED's if you dial the white down and pump up the blues the corals react much better to it and as the acclimate to the intensity then you can slowly dial it up.

Anyways, sps are looking happy and fuzzy, keep up the good work.
Thanks! They're doing pretty well. Im slowly tinkering with the LED settings, intensity, colour channels etc to see how things react. I've got them really low right now with greens and reds off completely to slow algae growth as things balance out, which seems to have helped enormously (had a green slime problem for a bit). Im going to start dialling them back up gradually now that it seems to be under control).
Some SPS still wont grow though, might have to move them around. Lokani just won't start growing, neither will my vermiculata.
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