Exactly as it say on the box:
What doesn't exist for reefing yet but you really, really wish it did?
Why do I ask?
I'm right at the end of my PhD in Engineering and so I will be working less and less with super high tech stuff on a daily basis... and I'm going to be getting antsy as all heck! While I have a few development projects on the go (super high resolution 3D printer, bike accessories, a few consumer electronic devices, etc), I am looking for cool ideas to work on as I burn through projects pretty quick.
It could be something everyone would want or something very specific to you, doesn't matter. If it catches my fancy or there is enough demand for it here on CanReef, I'll invent it and built it.
I have a full machine shop and prototyping lab at home, so I can build everything from car parts to electronics to nano materials. Don't worry if something can or can't be done - provided it exists within the laws of physics, I can find a way to make it happen.
But please, no intentionally stupid ideas! (i.e. no "Boaty McBoatface" or equivalent)
Bring forth your wishes, my salty friends!
Oh, and I'm happy to say I'm back here on CanReef after a long absence!