Originally Posted by Myka
Guys, it wasn't a whole bucket, it was a either a box or a bag since he said the container yields 20 gallons.
I'd take the empty salt bag back and get them to give you a new one. When you make salt super saturated like that then a whole whack of calcium and carbonate ions (and many other ions too) will bind and fall out of the solution. So you'll end up with saltwater that is really deficient in various ions. Read the instructions on the bag next time.
I think this is a good idea, but they gave you poor advice, and they should give you a new container of salt.
With the sand, was it dry or did it come in a sealed bag with some water? If it was dry sand then you need to rinse it many, many times to get all the dust out. It can take a week to clear up if you don't rinse well enough.
I did half live sand and half regular whit sand that was totally my mistake as a noob but i think i might be on the right track now i have 2 buckets of water getting filled and slowly salinating them and i pick up a proper refractometer tommorrow so i can be a bit more acurate . and all of the peale here have given me soo much info I LOVE THIS FORUM