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Old 04-28-2016, 03:04 AM
reefwithareefer reefwithareefer is offline
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: abbotsford
Posts: 252
reefwithareefer is on a distinguished road
Default Thanks Jeff and J&L.

Not sure when I first posted this thread, but I figured that I would pass on what happened the other day while at J&L.
I never solved the issue of the reddish brown algae that coakes my glass within a few days, even after buying all sorts of "chemicals", doing water changes more often, cleaning rocks etc etc. The algae always persisted.
I use carbon and Rowa Phos etc and nothing changed. I used the recommended amounts etc.

So here is what experience taught me the other day. I go into J&L looking for some product that I forgot what its name was. Jeff was there and I tried explaining what I wanted, as I forgot the name. He said he never sold anything like that before. I said it was to remove phosphate, came in little white cubes etc etc. Conversation carried on until he remembered the product I was looking for and that it was for removing nitrates, not Phos.

I explained my issue of the algae on my glass and he said that Rowa phos is the product to use. I stated that I had been using it for a year but the amount of algae never changed. Jeff asked how much I was using and I told him that I followed the instructions and he said that I was way off for my 400 gal tank. I should be using 4 times the amount I had been...

$237.00 later, I found my self walking out of there with a bucket "O" Rowa...
Put a liter in my reactor and two days later I have almost zero algae build up on the glass.

So much for following the manufacturers instructions, is the lesson learned. It may not answer why my phosphate levels are so high, as my test kit says none are detected. All I know is that with a fews words from Jeff, I no longer have to scrub my glass every night.

Thanks Jeff
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