Thread: Im so lost
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Old 04-28-2016, 02:51 AM
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Originally Posted by slider9969 View Post
i kep reading and reading and watching videos that are a bit helpfull but dont tell you the details . Hell im still trying to get my salinity right lol . Thanks to a local store that said yeh put the whole bucket into the tank. I have a 20 gallon tank with nothing but water so far but hope i figure this out soon,
So you 'really did' add a whole bucket of salt to your 20g tank?

I thought it was a typo when you typed 'Hell im still trying to get my salinity right lol . Thanks to a local store that said yeh put the whole bucket into the tank.'
I thought you meant to say 'help I'm still trying ... '

So, you've dumped a whole 5 gallon pail into a 20g tank. You're going to want to try and save the water you're about to remove as salt isn't cheap

If you've truly added a whole bucket of salt to a 20g tank, remove about 17.5 gallons of water (save it) and add RO to top off the tank.

Then check your salinity and go from there.


I see you stated you've been slowly removing and adding water ...

If you know how much of this you've done we can do some math.
If not, just get some buckets and drain it all down to the sand.
Once you have the water in buckets we can figure out the salinity with some math and you should be good to go with how much to add back in.

I hope you have or are planning on buying a refractometer

Last edited by gregzz4; 04-28-2016 at 02:56 AM.
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