Originally Posted by Animal-Chin
Funny thing is I've seen this same comment made in the past about skimmers, algae scrubbers, carbon, phosphate reducing media, you name it. Everything we seemingly can add to our tanks have positives and negatives but do the positives outweigh the negatives?
Sure, but here's how I see it:
1. You don't need one. It's not like this is a matter of replacing something either, you just straight up can run a beautiful, healthy tank fuge free.
2. When you do have one, there are diminishing returns on its usefulness as a filter compared to just doing water changes and having good flow/skimmer.
3. They collect detritus over time. This is just more maintenance.
4. They take up resources (space, electricity, money, etc).
Given that I can run two tanks side by side, fuge/no fuge and end up with more or less the same results after a year, I'm of the motivation that they are completely dispensable.