Next time I buy some butterflys, maybe next fall, I am going to try train them to eat mushrooms in my QT. I found before that when you first get them, they will eat corals, aiptasia, etc, before being trained to be fat and happy on regular fish food. So if I keep feeding them a rock with mushrooms in the QT, maybe they won't lose the taste for them. It worked with aiptasia.
I've had no luck with peeling, scraping, aiptasia X, and other efforts. The mushrooms disappear deep into a small hole in the rock, and then a couple weeks later start reappearing. I have way too many now, and they are killing my SPS. Reminds me of when I first inherited this tank, and was full of aiptasia, too many to get rid of manually. But the butterflys did the job, although took them a few months. So that is my best hope at the time,... other than throwing out all my rock and starting over. I have already tried everything else that has been suggested or that I know of.
Last edited by Reef Pilot; 04-13-2016 at 04:06 PM.