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Old 04-12-2016, 10:45 PM
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Coasting Coasting is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: BC - PoCo
Posts: 677
Coasting is on a distinguished road

Well I still cant figure out what I'm doing with my camera. I swear I used to be good at photos....

Tank is doing well. Getting a good amount of diatoms on the dry rock, but the tangs, butterfly, blenny, and oddly the damsel are LOVING it.

I think I'm happy with my stocking list. All the new fish are doing fantastic.
I'm at
Original 7:
2 Clowns
1 yellowtail damsel
1 Formosa wrasse
1 melanurus wrasse
1 sailfin blenny
1 lyretail anthias
1 Sailfin tang
1 Kole tang
1 Black stripe wrasse
1 vagabond butterfly
6 red fairy anthias
1 Spanish hogfish

At this point everyone is getting along. The Melanurus has stopped trying to kill the butterfly and has calmed down and is being 'normal' now. Butterflys wounds are healing well, his 1 eye is still cloudy/scarred but no longer swollen looking. The hogfish was annoying the butterfly to no end by trying to clean his owies haha.

The Sailfin was a bit on the thin side when he came home, but he ate well at the store so I figured why not, and he was within the cheaper price range at that size LOL. But he is fattening up nicely! And really coming out of his shell. The Kole on the other hand.... is getting FAT, any more and I will be calling him obese.... he is a pig. He has claimed the right half of the tank and will chase off the blenny if he catches him on that side of the tank.

The butterfly is doing well coral wise. He is a voracious algae eater, and only tries to eat really fleshy corals like the Open Brain. But he is too smart for me. I spent the last week trying to catch him, but he is totally impossible.... other then the blenny he was the only fish that refused to get into the trap. I could have caught all the others 100x over.
Between the black stripe that woke up trapped under the pop bottle, and the hog fish who got stuck in the plastic fish holder and couldn't figure out how to swim out.... I have a tank full of really stupid fish... The butterfly just puts them all to shame

My Lyretail anthias has stopped hiding, after a day with the new anthias in the tank he is out swimming around with them and everyones getting along. The new guys had a few squabbles with each other the first few hours in the tank that I broke up with my steel pokey stick, but all is good now.

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