Thread: Mean Chromis
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Old 04-06-2016, 01:09 AM
BobFish BobFish is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Abbotsford BC
Posts: 129
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Default Mean Chromis

I have a Green Chromis that has taken over my tank, he is a bulley to the other chromis that are in the tank, and generally thinks he is king s..., he runs my Anthias and other fish for cover. OK here we go, does anyone have a fish trap that i can try to use to get him out of the tank.
Current Tank Info: 187 custom reef tank, Running ZeoVit with Vibe, Apex New Gen, Jebao DCS 12000 return pump, custom180 Euro-reef skimmer, running Mazzi venturi and mag 18pump, Lighting-2 60" XHO blue reefbrites , with 8x60" T-5, 2 Maxspect Gyre XF150,and 1Maxspect Gyre XF250 Generator with controller, 120 lbs of Tonga Branch rock, custom sump and manifold
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