Time to clean the garage.
Got a few items to go through and get rid of.
1. 24" 2 bulb Hagen T5HO Fixture $30
2. 24" 4 bulb sunbrite T5HO Fixture $80
3. Evergrow Nova A8 LED Fixture $280
4. Various Powerbars $10 Each
5. Aqueon Evolve 8 $20
6. Gooseneck and PAR38 LED. $20
7. 26 gallon bowfront tank. $20
8. Fluval C4 $10
9. Seals and hose connections for Marineland Canister FREE
10. Koralia 550 Powerhead. $20
11. Jebao RW8 $85 (Or trade for newer RW-4)
Prefer pickup but could ship at buyers expense. (Would provide a youtube video of the item functioning before sending)
Otherwise Pickup only. No holds.
Could potentially trade for Euphyllia I don't have, like say an aussie gold torch

Located in South Port Coquitlam.
I will add more stuff as I find it and update as stuff is sold
First come first serve. Again I won't be holding stuff for people unless I know them really well so if I haven't written sold, it's still available.
On the island right now, will be back Wednesday.
1. 1 x 24" 2 Bulb T5HO Hagen Glo fixture with metal sliding brackets "Integrated Extension Brakets - 24 watt unit fits aquariums 23 to 40 inches," Works great, currently has freshwater orientated bulbs in it.
2. 1 x 24" 4 Bulb T5HO fixture. I have eggcrate tied to it for "legs". Don't have good photos of this one, will have to wait until I get home. I believe its a sunbrite grow fixture or something like that. Reflector is the style so each light has its own section.
3. 1 x Evergrow Nova A8 LED fixture. 2 dimmable channels. Hanging cables included. Used approx. 3 years at 30%, very powerful, would be great on a deep tank. Great spread on a 36" wide tank. NO issues with this light at all, I love it! Really want to keep it but I have WAYYYY to much stuff. Corals grew great under it. 96 x 3w LED chips. 90 Degree.
4. Various Powerbars. 2 X Coralife Analog power centers. 1 x Coralife digital power center. 1 x Natural Wave multi cycle powerbar 6 outlet.
5. 1 x Aqueon Evolve 8 Acrylic tank. Back black acrylic was drilled and bulkheads installed as I had planned to use this for the Nano tank contest years back and never went through with it. Bulkheads are plugged. Was also drilled where the pump output is located so it just need a washer or rubber band to hold it in place. No leaks. Had been using it as a Freshwater for a few months. Upgraded to something bigger instead. Will come with its stock light. Tank probably only has 3 months of recent use out of it.
6. Gooseneck light. Comes with Par 38 LED bulb. 3x white 6,500k 2x white 14,000k 4x red 660nm 2x blue 450nm 1x green 520nm. Great for fuge or whatever. Link to exact light and gooseneck.
7. 26 gallon Aqueon bow front aquarium. Purchased brand new 4 years ago. Used for salt for a few months, then FW goldfish. Silicone is in excellent condition. There are a few scratches in 1 spot on the glass from a mag cleaner. Once I forgot that they happened they weren't noticeable. Includes the top for it, hinges for lid opening are broken but it still works. No light at this time.
8. Fluval C4. 3 years old. No photos, it looks like the images online. Dirty right now. I'm not sure if it has its own motor or I'm using the Aquaclear 70 motor on it. I can include any pieces I find of the AC70.
9. I used to have 2 Marineland Canister filters, returned them. Still have the connections from them. Like the pieces on the filter itself that the hoses connect too. No photos because I don't know exactly what I have. But if you have a marineland canister filter perhaps you want these spare parts free?
10. Koralia 550 powerhead. Yes its the older size, but it was only used for a few months. Needs to be cleaned. Works great.
11. Brand new, never used, Jebao RW-8. Purchased 2. Using 1, its too strong for my needs. So will sell or trade the one I haven't used. Looking for a new or newer RW8 instead. No packaging.