Thanks all for the help.
So it turned the next day that the dots were gone. Guess they were cured quick or it wasn't ich after all since the dots were only there less than a day!! put them into display and they seem to be doing awesome!

just kidding.The spots were gone by the morning and started off with TTM Saturday afternoon. Seemed the most viable since I don't have a refractrometer just yet. Used a bucket for the first transfer while I cleaned the equipment and tank and let everything dry. I have a bag of "zero carb" in the pail with the air hose and stone. Did a transfer last night back to the cleaned tank with new hose, new stone, and new bag of zero carb. I have been using my tank water as read somewhere that works best and I'm 99.2% confident its ich free.
Thank you all for the help. Will continue with this route for the next week and a bit and see how things go from there.